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제목 2016년 11월 영어에세이 주제 (6학년용)
조회수 1453
I Want to be an Artist!

I think everyone wants to be an artist: singer, dancer, playing instrument, painting, drawing, etc...

What art do you want to do?

When did you first want to do it?

Who inspired you?

What type is best to you?

Do you think you can be successful?

Will your family support your are an art?

I want to be a guitarist. I started to want to be a guitarist when I was 16. Many bands like Tool and Queens of the Stone Age inspired me. My brother played guitar before me, so I used his acoustic guitar and started practicing! I wanted to sing, and play guitar. I think rock music is the best type for me, so I practice that. I think that if I keep practicing and writing music, I can be successful. My parents always gave me the freedom to do my hobbies, so I think they will understand.